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(93 People Likes) Can money really buy happiness? If yes, then how and if not, then what can bring happiness?

for short bursts of time.
If you think about it, it’s really the spending of money that creates that momentary happiness. I found I had to keep buying things to feel good.
And that’s the thing: With money (even a lot) I only experienced bursts of happiness.
Then the excitement of the new thing would fade, or the experience I’d bought would end, and I’d be left facing my life and what I’d been avoiding by spending my money. Nothing had really changed.
I was the same person, with most of the same issues and challenges.
For me, buying one thing after another in order to feel better about life or about myself is no way to live! It feels very empty and pointless after a while.
So…what can bring happiness?
My answer may not be what you want to hear. If so, I’m sorry for that.
But here’s the good news…
We don’t have to achieve anything or attain anything—especially money—before we can feel genuine, deep happiness!
In truth, our happiness is always available to us, no matter what our circumstances. All we need to do is want to feel that way and then know how to access it.
We can let the happiness that is in us come out. Today. Even right now. We can get in touch with more of our naturally “happy state” by using a couple of tools (below) and also adding a couple of other things.
So, here are four suggestions. I’d put these things at the top of my list for anyone who wants to start feeling happier and be able to access their happiness anytime they want…
Being grateful for who you are and what you have now. We make ourselves unhappy by constantly comparing what we have with what we want. Or who we are with who we want to be. That comparison keeps us locked in our current situation and current state. We benefit by learning to be grateful for what is right now.
And the friends you’ve made. And the many small things about you that you like now. And what you possess that you’re grateful for.
Breathe and be grateful for being alive. For the sunset. For the air you breathe. For the food you have. Breathe and feel your appreciation for those things and anything else that comes to mind.
In each case, really feel your gratitude. Feel how grateful you are.
Being more in the moment. Instead of focusing on the future (and worrying about it or yearning for it being better) we benefit from living in this moment more fully. Life happens in this moment. And now this moment. And now this moment. It doesn't happen in the future or the past. Only this moment is real. And so happiness is much more easily felt when we settle in in this moment and just be with it.
Take a deep breath or two and let yourself relax every muscle. Repeat. Repeat again.
You’re more centered. You’re more aware and alert. That is being more present.
(If that is not your experience as you do that, don’t give up. Practice it until you feel those things. Every moment of practice is truly worth it!)
When you’re very present life feels complete and good. You feel complete and good (happy). It’s almost magical how it can feel.
Stop making yourself do things because you think you “should” and do more of what you love as often as you can.
Shoulds are traps. We think they’ll get us where we want to go but usually they are leading us away from a better, shorter course to our happiness.
How many things do you believe your must or should do feel good? Which of those make you happy when you do them? Probably very few.
Get present (see above) and ask yourself “What would I like?” Sure, it might take work and time to get there—most things of value do—but if you are passionate about what you want you’ll have a strong desire to succeed and you’re a lot more likely to get there than by doing things you think you should.
Invite people you like into your life, including parents. Find friends whom you have special relationships with and nurture those. Be willing to feel your “like” or love for those people. They will be part of your network and will support you as

(24 People Likes) What video games have 'feminists' tried to get banned/changed and why?

> Because
“It just reduces tracer to another bland female sex symbol.” ( Post on Blizzard forum, Not easily findable Blizzard to remove Overwatch pose accused of reducing Tracer to “another bland female sex symbol”
But, seriously, her ass is not so “evidenced” and the pose itself doesn't strike as anything sexy to me. This is a typical pose Hanzo has too
and it is used over and over in animes. For example, this is a classic of Goku ( even if not HD)
So, how does a pose designed to be cool make Tracer look oversexualized?
Other than that there’s a series by a somewhat “respect” critic Anita Sarkeesian which critic tropes in video games, who’s trying to change games.
But while she critic the “Damsel in Distress”, she, for example, doesn't talk about the male corrispective of the trope (“Distressed Dude” in Tv-Tropes).
Or, while she talk about how there are just certain body-types of woman, she doesn't analyze the fact that the only body types present are the “extremes” in men too ( like, short-and-robust, muscle-and-slender, slender-didn’t-eat, totally-fat-boi and big-man ) and use evidences like an image on Overwatch without Mei (chubby) and Zarya (robust) to “polarize” her followers on the correctness of her idea by avoiding what could make it false.
Anyway. Did feminist try to get some games banned/changed?
Of course they did.
Did feminist get some games changed?
Yes, many times. ( Mostly in advance on their protests )
Did feminist get some games banned?
Mostly no? There are a few games some producer preferred to not translate just to avoid problems. An example of that may be the Dead or Alive using VR. Or even some games feminist tried to get banned but funnily enough ended up getting higher advertiseme

(22 People Likes) What would happen if someone invented a sex doll that can give more pleasure than any woman? Would there be more decent men in the dating scene?

eternall american made love dolls likable Karl Urban, playing a cop who is partnered with an android, played by the underappreciated Michael Ealy.
One of the episodes has them investigating a crime involving Intimate Robot Companions, aka ‘sexbots’ ("Almost Human" Skin (TV Episode 2013)
Watching this episode really got me thinking about things. I mean, just imagine if you could order a female robot tailored to your specifications (looks, height, weight, cup size, attitude, personality). How would this change human relations and the dating scene? What would it be like if men no longer felt like they had to go to bars and spend a bunch of money trying to get laid, when they have a ‘woman’ at home that is always willing and able, and gives them precisely the kind of sex they want without judgment or shame? What would it be like for women to have a ‘man’ that will touch them and fuck them exactly how they want, without ever needing to fear that they will take it too far, will hurt them (unless they want them to), or violate their consent?
Do we become more secluded? W Sex Doll ll large portions of the population just cease trying to find a companion, and use robot companionship instead? Will people enter the dating scene for the ‘right’ reasons, since their physical companionship is already covered, and pursue genuine relationships only?
These are excitin

(70 People Likes) What Does a Sex Doll Feel Like?

comparison to uncomplicated relationships with dolls. Moreover, they can be programmed multiple times to be different persons. Advances in robotics may in the future allow the manufacturers to produce replicas so realistic to be mistaken for humans. That is still a few years away. One of the first AI Doll companies offers customized dolls with sk american made love dolls n, hair and personality of your choice. The company is perfecting the head movements of its sex doll with blinking eyes, ability to smile, realistic vagina and convincing artificial intelligence speech that allow their sex robots to appear as thinking, sentient beings that can even gyrate h

(34 People Likes) Will Everyone Own a Sex Robot?

oint increase represents a fairly even spread between men and women. A full 6% of men indicated they were all in for robot sex. For women, it was 4%. If you guessed that younger folx were a bit more willing to experiment, you are correct. The 18 to 34 demographic was 12 Realistic Sex Doll oints more likely to try sex with a bot. There was only a slight increase in those over the a

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